Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mourinho's tactics against Guardiola

As many soccer fans know, the core of Barcelona’s possession soccer is keeping the distance between players. And the first step in maintaining such space is to raise the defensive line, as Josep Guardiola mentioned in his column. On the basis of the raised defense line, an organic position change between the mid-fielders and forwards, short-pass and the ability to get out of the pressure are what he pursues and his soccer.

However, it was hard to find their usual play at the today’s game against Real Madrird, especially in the first half. Even though the Former Inter-Milan manager Rafael Benitez told CNN that Barcelona player’s inactive movement need to be blamed, the more essential reason is Jose Mourinho brought a new tactic widening the space among the players of Barcelona. The first thesis of their soccer are being free from pressure and comprehension of the space, and their basic formula is to make less movement of the players than the flow of the ball with the increasing number of pass so that they are able to minimize the energy used up, that enables Barcelona to maintain their possession soccer even in the very end of the game. But in this game, due to the extended distance, Barcelona consistently played with a passive movement and could not cope with the widened space as well. That’s why they seemed not to take a lively movement as Benitez said.

Then what did Mourinho do to tear down the solid space of Barcelona? Although many broadcast media focused on merely the positioning of three defensive mid-fielders ; Kepler Pepe, Xabi Alonso, Sami Khedira, its purpose was to block the passes of the Barcelona players and to make use of the enlarged space of the line of Barcelona players so that they are able to launch swift attacks with ease. At this point, invisible 9 role of Ozil was successful. but Mourinho’s tactic was not perpect either; Barcelona still had about two-third of possession, and failure of making goal in the first half made Real Madrid only focus on the defense throughout the second half due to the reduced stamina like ‘Anti Football’ some people mentioned. Consequently it means Pep had an initiative of the match.

There are still two more games ahead. Would Guardiola prepare the Plan-B for the next matchup? What is Mourinho thinking about?  

Sunday, April 17, 2011

위기의 남자 페르난도 토레스, 그에게서 셰브첸코가 보인다

1000만 파운드 (약900억원)의 사나이 토레스의 행보가 심상치 않다. 챔피언스리그 3경기와 프리미어 리그에서는 6경기로 총 9경기에서 527분 동안 첼시의 유니폼으로 입고 출장을 했는데 아직 단 한골도 없다. 파란 셔츠가 아직 어색해 보이기는 하지만 토레스는 제2의 셰브첸코로 전락하고 말 것인가?

영국으로 넘어와 통산 65골을 기록하고 있는 토레스와 한 때 무결점 스트라이커로 불리었던 셰브첸코의 클래스 자체를 부정하고 있는 것은 아니다. 하지만 단순히 9경기 "0"골 이라는 통계에서 뿐만 아니라 경기에서 보여주고 있는 토레스의 경기력 자체가 부정적이다. 안첼로티 감독은 토레스와의 파트너로 여러명의 조합을 실험에 봤지만 모두 성공적이지 못했다.

안첼로티 감독의 전술적인 딜레마리버풀에서의 토레스는 여러명의 파트너와 함께 호흡을 맞춰봤다. 하지만 토레스가 가장 위협적이고 큰 활약을 펼칠 때는 단연 원톱으로 기용되서 플레이의 중심에 있을 때였다. 이는 제라드의 영향이 크다고도 할 수 있는데 이 둘은 서로에 대한 플레이를 완벽히 이해하고 서로의 장점을 극대화 시켰다. 이는 첼시에서의 램파드의 역할과 연관 시킬 수 있다. 토레스가 드록바 혹은 아넬카와 투톱을 이루는 4-4-2 전형에서 램파드는 2명의 홀딩미드필드들의 도움을 받을 수 없다. 제라드와 같이 램파드가 가장 빛날 때는 공격시 순간적인 움직임을 통해 공격형 미드필더나 처진 스트라이커와 비슷한 역할을 하고 많은 득점과 어시스트를 기록을 할 때다. 첼시가 램파드의 능력을 극대화하고 토레스와 램파드 조합을 가장 효율적으로 사용할 수 있는 4-3-3 으로의 변화가 어려운 것은 윙어의 부재로도 볼 수 있는데, 좌측은 말루다를 통해 활로를 찾을 수 있겠지만 드록바와 아넬카 모두 이런한 포지션 보다는 중앙을 선호하는 스타일이다. 토레스는 드록바와 아넬카 이 둘 선수와는 스타일적인 면에서 다른 면이 많다. 하지만 전방에서 수비를 끼고 도는 움직임이나 공간을 파고드는 위치에 있어서는 비슷한 면을 보이기 때문에 전방에서 자꾸 겹칠 수 밖에 없고 첼시는 최근의 4-4-2에서 최전방 두명의 스트라이커 들에게서 만족스러운 결과를 얻어내지 못했다. 안첼로티 감독은 리그가 마무리 되는 이 시점에서 4-3-3의 변화를 통해 실험을 하는 위험 보다는 드록바와 토레스 혹은 아넬카와 토레스의 조합을 통해 활로를 찾으려고 할 것이다. 

토레스와 셰브첸코는 같은 운명?토레스가 2006년의 셰브첸코와 여러면에서 평행이론이 성립될수도 있다는 섣부른 예측을 해본다. 우선 둘은 우선 3000만 파운드(약 546억원)와 1000만 파운드(약900억원)로 당시 프리미어리그의 이적료기록을 갱신하며 첼시에 입단을 한다. 뿐만 아니라 그들의 몸값 때문에 미디어와 대중에게 엄청난 관심 혹은 우려를 받는 무거운 부담을 진다. 모두 이미 정상급의 선수가 있는 팀에 자신의 커리어 중 절정일 시기에 입단을 하고 좀 처럼 폼을 회복하지 못한다. 이야기가 기막히게 비슷하게 흘러가지 않나? 하지만 아직 이 둘의 운명을 함께 엮는 것은 섣부를 판단이지 않나 싶다. 셰브첸코는 이미 나이적인 면에서 자신의 선수생활 중 절정에서 내려가는 시기에 첼시에 왔고 토레스는 아직 28살이라는 나이적인 이점을 안고 있다. 또 셰브첸코로서는 이미 스쿠데토를 안고 왔고 토레스는 리그 우승에 대한 강한 동기가 남아있다.

토레스와 첼시의 미래
아브라모비치 구단주는 분명 미래를 위해 900억원을 써가며 토레스를 영입하지는 않았을 것이다. 이것은 안첼로티 감독에게 토레스가 포함 된 첼시를 만들라는 무언의 압박으로 작용할 수도 있고 안첼로티 감독은 그 안에서 해답을 찾아야 할 것이다. 만약 토레스가 당장 어떠한 결과를 만들어 내지 못한다면 첼시에게는 역대 가장 멍청한 투자가 될 것이고 둘 모두에게 Lose-Lose 게임이 될 수 있다. 첼시가 이번 시즌 어떠한 결과를 만들어 내든 다음 시즌에는 드록바 아넬카 또는 첼시의 다른 스트라이커들이 이적시장에 나올 확률이 높다. 토레스는 제2의 셰브첸코가 될 것인가 아님 블루스의 중심이 될 수 있을까 풋볼러들의 생각은 어떠한가?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stuffy Chelsea’s Savior, David Luiz

For a few months, Chelsea(Blues) had experienced the worst slump staying fifth in the league since Roman Abramovich undertook so that it appeared they can’t obtain Champions league ticket given to the first fourth places in the league. However, the team has climbed to third, maintaining four league point gap with Arsenal - current second team. In addition, they succeed in advancing to the quater fianl of European Champions League. Since being pre-season favorites to win the championship, they were accused of their poor performance, which also brought Chelsea manager, Carlo Ancelotti, to the edge of replacement.

Chelsea’s unsatisfactory performance that started noticeably from the mid-season was due to reduced form of the key players, including Didier Drogba. Their basic play style was mainly to create space with the continuous movements of the whole players rather than to break the both sides of speedy wingers, and whenever Blues played against a powerful team good at pressure, they relied heavily on Drogba’s ablilty which enabled them to see good results in many competitions, whereas Blues have not had an outstanding mobility compared to other top-class teams.  He is strong and fast physically. Also he has an outstanding goal decisiveness.

Along with his slump, Chelsea’s mid-line players like Essien and Lampard also showed disappointing performance recently, and what is worse Ivanovich and Ferreira could not fill the vacuum of defender line. Those factors made Blues being desperate to be in first fourth in the league.

To cope with such crises, Blues took contracts with Fernando Torres and David Luiz this January as an offender and defender. As a midfielder, they hired Ramires last summer, but he seemed to need an adjustment period, as South America players do especially in the English Premier league. Being without a goal, Torres also appeared not to satisfy Blues Fan’s appetite fully. But as true hero appear at a time of crisis, at a big showdown against Manchester teams Luiz’s superb performance bailed out Blues with two fantastic goals.

As the title of this particular column suggests, that Brazilian soccer player, David Luiz was an absolute monster. Contrary to his hapless Spanish teammate at the other end of the pitch, Luiz actually contributed. A lot.

Since he’s joined the Blues they’ve seemed like a different side. He’s brought an intense injection of energy and creativity that should have been brought by Fernando Torres. He tackles like John Terry, makes runs like Ashley Cole, stepovers like Florent Malouda
What else could you possibly ask for?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Real Madrid vs Tottenham Preview

The Champions League quarter-final and semi-final draw was held this afternoon, March 18, 2011 in Nyon, Switzerland. 

This draw set up four mouth-watering ties in the Champions League quarter-final, but the most exciting match-up would seem to be between Spanish giant Real Madrid and Tottenham Spurs. That is because Real Madrid reached at last eight for the first time in seven years, and also unexpectedly Spurs have been showing amazing performances. Needless to say, there are numerous world-class players in both sides like Cristiano Ronaldo, Mesut Oezil, Gareth Bale and Aaron Lennon. In addition, it's showdown between flagships in top 2 soccer leagues so that this game would be, therefore, a sort of war for their league's pride. 

Spurs have been enjoying a huge amount of success in their inaugural season in Europe's flagship club competition, beating both sides from Milan on their way to the last eight of the tournament and now are full of confidence whereas they face their biggest test so far in the form of Jose Mourinho's star-studded squad.

The first leg will take place on Tuesday April 5 in Madrid, with White Hart Lane hosting the second leg on Wednesday April 13, and the winner of this clash will meet Barcelona or Shaktar at the semis.

Who do you think will go into the semi-final?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Real Madrid break a Champions League jinx lasting seven years!

In Madrid, Olympique Lyon's dominance of Real Madrid finally came to an end with a 3-0 loss. The French team had not lost to Real in seven earlier Champions League encounters, winning three and tying four. Lyon was the club that knocked Real out at the same stage last season.

Match Records between Real and Lyon

But on Wednesday night, after some early resistance by Lyon, Real Madrid finally found the way to end the jinx.
A dazzling goal by Brazilian left back Marcelo, who danced through the Lyon defense before firing a shot past goalkeeper Hugo Lloris, showed the way.
That came in the 37th minute. Lyon hung tough for almost another half hour, knowing that a goal would tie the game and the series, the teams having played to a 1-1 tie in France in the first leg.

Then, in the 66th minute, former Lyon player Karim Benzema banged in his 20th goal of the season for Real Madrid and, 10 minutes later, Argentina's Angel Di Maria made it 3-0 to kill any chance of a Lyon comeback and clinch the round-of-16 series for Real, 4-1 on aggregate.

Defeating Lyon this day, Real keep their a 100 percent victory record at the Santiago Bernabeu this season.

This win also means Real Madrid are a step of closer to winning a record 10th European title, and keeps coach Jose Mourinho on course to conquer Europe with three different teams following his success with Porto and then inter Milan last year.

Player Rating

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Benger's Stragedy

홈에서 패하면 지난 시즌 8강에서 패한 것에 대한 설욕은 불가능 할 것이라는 것을 누구보다 잘 알고 있는 사람이 벵거 감독이었다. 그렇다고 섣불리 나설 수도 없는 상황이었다. 상대는 작금 최강이라 불리는 팀이었다. 기다리고 또 기다렸던 인내의 결실, 결국 승리가 되어 벵거 감독을 찾아왔다. 

17일 새벽(목, 이하 한국 시각) 잉글랜드 런던에 위치한 에미레이츠 스타디움에서 펼쳐진 ‘2010-11 UEFA 챔피언스리그’ 16강 1차전에서, 잉글랜드 프리미어리그의 아스날 FC가 스페인 프리메라리가의 FC 바르셀로나를 2-1로 꺾고 극적인 역전승을 거뒀다. 

아스날은 전반 26분 바르셀로나의 비야에게 선제골을 허용하며 끌려갔지만, 0-1로 뒤지던 후반 33분에 터진 반 페르시의 동점골과 후반 38분에 나온 아르샤빈의 역전골에 힘입어 2-1의 짜릿한 승리를 거뒀다. 

이번 경기에서 가장 돋보였던 사람은 한 차원 다른 플레이를 선보였던 바르셀로나의 메시도, 극적인 동점골과 더 극적인 역전골을 넣었던 아스날의 반 페르시와 아르샤빈도 아닌 벵거 감독이었다. 그는 직접 플레이를 하지 않는 감독이 어떻게 팀에 승리를 선사할 수 있는지 너무나 잘 보여줬다. 

아스날은 전반 26분 바르셀로나의 비야에 선제골을 허용한 뒤 답답함을 느껴야 했다. 상대가 바르셀로나여서 그렇기도 했지만 2차전이 캄프 누에서 원정으로 치러야 하기 때문이었다. 만약 0-1 패배로 경기가 끝난다면 8강 진출은 어려울 것이 뻔했다. 

하여 조급한 것은 아스날이었다. 어떻게든 만회골과 역전골을 터트려야 했다. 그러나 벵거 감독은 손 안에 쥐고 있는 두 장의 교체 카드를 만지작거릴 뿐 섣불리 내놓지 않았다. 그렇게 시간은 하염없이 흘렀고 어느덧 후반도 중반을 넘어서고 있었다. 

그 때 이미 승리의 8부 능선을 넘었다는 듯 바르셀로나의 과르디올라 감독이 먼저 움직였다. 공격수 비야를 빼고 미드필더 케이타를 투입하며 굳히기에 들어간 것이다. 그 순간 벵거 감독도 같이 움직였는데, 벵거 감독은 상대의 날카로운 창이 하나 빠지자 아르샤빈과 벤트너를 잇따라 투입하며 승부수를 던졌다. 참고 또 참은 뒤 꺼낸 카드였다. 

벵거 감독의 그 기다림은 불과 5분 만에 빛을 발했다. 클리쉬의 감각적인 로빙 공간패스를 받은 반 페르시가 자신을 빼지 않은 감독의 믿음에 보답하는 멋진 사각에서의 슈팅을 터트리며 승부를 원점으로 돌렸고, 5분 뒤에는 교체 투입된 아르샤빈이 나스리의 패스를 받아 바르셀로나의 발데스 골키퍼를 엉덩방아 찧게 하는 슈팅으로 역전에 성공한 것이다. 

만약 벵거 감독이 조급함을 이기지 못해 보다 일찍 선수 교체를 단행하며 승부수를 띄웠다면 경기는 이와 같은 결과로 끝나지 않았을 가능성이 컸다. 공격에 중심을 둔 아스날의 허점을 바르셀로나가 효과적으로 공략했을 것이기 때문이다. 그러나 벵거 감독은 끝까지 기다린 뒤 비야라는 수준급의 공격수가 빠진 틈을 기막히게 파고들어 승리를 낚을 수 있었다. 

그라운드에서 직접 뛸 수는 없지만 왜 축구에서 감독이 중요한 존재인지 그리고 어떻게 팀에 승리를 안길 수 있는지를 보여준 경기였다. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rooney and Rivaldo's Bicycle Kick !

One of the most exciting derby match took place at Old Trafford this Saturday. It is Manchester United(Man U) versus Manchester City(Man C) in the 26th round of England Premier League. Traditionally the derby has had implications beyond pride and bragging rights. - It has been one of the biggest derby since 1960.

Yesterday's fixture was practically the last chance for Man C to win the league title this year and Man U desperately needed to get this game for strengthening their 1st place as well so that this match was of a great importance. As a big fan of Arsenal, I longed for Manchester City to beat Man U, but this derby ended in Man U's victory.

In this enthralling game, Wayne Rooney(Manchester United Striker) proved to be a worldclass performer with a fantastic bicycle kick goal that suddenly reminded me of my first favorite footballer Rivaldo, Brazilian Football star, who made a dramatic overhead-kick goal around a decade ago.

In the days when I was in middle school student, European Football Leagues were not broadcast live. Instead, a couple of stations occasionally broadcasted a recorded game among the illustrious teams. At that time, what I watched at first was a match between Barcelona and Valencia.

At the last match of the league, Barcelona and Valencia took a fateful showdown for the sake of getting a last ticket for UEFA Champions League. The game was finely balanced throughout, and Luck Lady seemed to smile on Valencia. Dramatically, right before the final whistle, Rivaldo scored a magnificent break that sent every Barca into raptures. In this game, Rivaldo made a decesive contribution to the victory with three fantastice goals which led him to Man Of the Match.

Watching this game on TV, I have been fascinated by their high level of playing, ardor of the audience and dramatic scenario that brought me having been crazy about football further.

The followings are their videos. Which one is more awesome for you? :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Arsenal, a victim of New castle epic drama!

                                     Arsenal  4 - 4  Newcastle United

Yesterday, there were several exciting results in Premier League matches. A record 41 goals were scored on an astonishing day as Arsenal and New castle made a dramatic match at St James Park. At the 26 round match of England Premier League, New castle showed an impressing play with tenacity in spite of the vacuum of Andy Carrol and Foluwashola Ameobi.

Miserable first half of Newcastle

Newcastle made a disastrous start allowing three goals within just 10 mins. Theo Walcott opened the scoring in the first minute and Johan Djourou headed in to make it two soon later.  After a few minutes, Robin van Persie scored two goals in a row. Newcastle's defenders looked embarrassed, and couldn't show the soild organizational power as well. It seemed to be difficult for Newcastle to reverse the game that even some fans of them left before the game was over.

Raged French man gave chance to Newcastle !

The game was changed radically after Abou Diaby was sent due to his overreaction to Barton's tackle. The French man's untimely dismissal was on only five minutes after the second half begun. From this time, Arsenal didn't play efficiently like what they showed off on the former half, and Newcastle stepped up a gear. Starting with Barton's penalty in the 68th minute, Newcastle made four goals in succession.

Even though there seemed no hope for Newcastle by the first half, Newcastle fought back from four goals down to earn a miraculous 4-4 draw against Arsenal. Since not only did Newcastle lose their couple of regular players because of injury, but also Andy Carrol, the highest scorer of in the team with 11 goals, transfered to Liverpool, this dramatic game is more impressing.